Sunday, February 25, 2007


Jeanne came to visit! I like to think that the whole reasoning behind her trip to the East Coast was to see me, but I hear there were a few universities to visit along the was a cold, cold weekend, but on Friday night we went up to the Field School and saw a great student performance of "As You Like It"-- seriously it was much better than anticipated and we had a lot of fun! Saturday we went out for tasty sushi at Uni in Dupont and then went up to Adams Morgan, where we met a bunch of people at TomToms (which was a story in itself). It was another great night of dancing and drinks in the city, enlivened by Miss J herself :) What more can a girl ask for? Well, except for a snowstorm that keeps friends at your house for extra days :)

Sunday, February 18, 2007


CRAP. Bad Music On Purpose. Backstage at the Black Cat. Oh what a glorious night to behold! Emmeli's cousin, Liz, was visiting from NYC and Robyn joined us for a serious adventure. We decked ourselves our in our finest and made our way to the Black Cat, where we danced and sang to all the 'bad' music the past decades have to offer. Not only were our voices a delight, but a good time was had by all. There needs to be more nights like this out in D.C.!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Snow Day!

Perfect moment of V-Day this year?? S-N-O-W D-A-Y!!!!!

Jess and I made the most of it with our monstrous snowdude...his bottom was little so big and dense that we lugged out the tarp to haul it up onto the flowerbed (what?! it's not like flowers were blooming yet!). After our extraordinary feat of strength, we continued to pack a middle and a head, dig out some crazy spiky branches, a carrot, some blue seaglass for eyes, a stick mouth, and a ribbon for the neck. Yeah, our snowdude rocked out. And it was the only one on the street! Even the little kids on the corner failed to come play in the snow. They don't know what they were missing:

Monday, February 05, 2007

A Winter Walk

So it might have been colder than perfect, but Emmeli and I decided to go on a winter walk down some of the nearby trails to the Potomac River and then along the canel. It was a great way to spend the afternoon. We even got to see the sunset. It meant the light on the water was very relaxing, and we both got home feeling much more relaxed and focused than before. We'll have to do this again before too long!

Emmeli by the Potomac, looking at the Key Bridge

Sunday, February 04, 2007

So classy.

Lovely Ladies Galore!

I heart my housemate!

MLE, Emmeli & Jess B

007. For 2007.

Last night Jess and I threw a 007 party! It's the first one that we've really thrown together, and it was a ridiculously fun night. We invited a mix of people from both of our programs, who we know from around D.C., and who know from outside D.C. Everyone got dressed up. Everyone smiled. Everyone danced. There were tasty appetizers and cold drinks. There was a lot of James Bond music. Bill even made a special party playlist just for us! I had a particularly good time, because Jess and Ryan came down from Princeton. I don't get to see them all that often, but we made the most of our visit (even though I had to be at the conference most of Saturday!) with a bunch of outings and the party. I was surprised that our group didn't end up out on M Street, but I suppose that means we were having to much fun inside to brave the cold outside!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Rebels & Critics

This weekend was the BMW Center's Graduate Student Conference, "Rebels & Critics: Assessing Fifty Years of European Integration." While the many panelists were very interesting and the conference itself was held in Georgetown's original library, I think we all felt it was a very long several days. Yet the selection of panelists still managed to hold our attention pretty well. The whole event concluded with a fancy dinner at Old Ebbitts Grill over by the White House. Good times!