Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Getting Older

You can tell when you are getting older, because people start getting married. And it isn't unexpected. In the past few weeks, three of my closest friends from home have shared their engagement with me. I think it's great and yet it all seems to have snuck up all of a sudden. I'm wondering if this is the usual pattern...you know with several people all getting engaged around the same time? Or is it just a fluke? Hmmm, these are the things I debate late at night when I am not sleeping. I know begin to semi-understand what all the fuss might be about among my older friends. It's funny how this creates some sort of pressure, as evidenced by my mom tonight when I told her about one friend who's asked me to be a bridesmaid. Her first question was not about the friend or how the proposal went, but rather "and so do you have to find a date? better start looking." gee thanks mom. And yet I don't think it really was a sign of no support, but instead it was an indicator of the ideals of those around us, particularly as we leave behind being an undergraduate. It really is time for the"real" world, whatever that means, and for figuring out the future.


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