Sunday, January 01, 2006

"aussie bands...they're fun"

it's 2006. word up. and all that the courtnator and i have accomplished so far is passing out on a couch together at 5 am during an all-night law & order CI marathon. we're such tools. but i love it. courty's embarassed, but that's ok too. it's all for good measure, since she is leaving for die Schweiz in just TWO more days. ding! fries are done. ooooh cheese fries. anyways, we've spent the evening and day catching up on her down under stories and the tales I have from Bamberg. It's been great and now I may just be staying another night 'cause I'll miss her when she's gone again. Soooooo....there will be more online surfing so that we can share pictures and even more stories. The best thing though is that we may have a European rendez-vous in April!!! oh me oh my :) Who's ready??

"oooooooooh ooooh me! i am" ~Courty


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