Saturday, November 17, 2007

Do or Don't: A night in viceland

Last night I threw a Do or Don't party (check out Vice magazine online to see what I mean).

People came dressed to impress or to depress. There were Polaroids, rounds of twister, and fun to fill up the night.

Between classmates, old friends, colleagues, and friends of friends, we were a pretty close group :)

Saturday, November 10, 2007

fall of sovietism! huzzah!

In honor of the fall of the Berlin Wall and the like, we had a post-Soviet party -- complete with rolled cabbage leaves and boiled potatoes last night. It was up at Emmeli's house and we managed to get a randomly, big group together for the festivities. From there, some people went out in AdamsMo and the rest of us went toward Dupont. It ended in scandalous adventure and E's sister seting a scarf on fire at Science Club. Good times.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

No Signal meets Return of the Bride

Not having seen my brother since Indiana, Emmeli and I busted up to Baltimore for a No Signal Concert. True to form, it was a lot of diverse, awesome music. And as usual, the after party left a mess and a memory. Of particular entertainment was going to "breakfast" at 5:00a (not counting the time change) at PaperMoon. Mmmm. Tasty.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Halloweenie Adventures

Apparently DCites are not satisfied with just one Halloween adventure-filled night. We celebrated on Saturday and on Wednesday. Seeing everyone get dressed up always entertains me. And M St never disappoints.