Saturday, May 28, 2005

1st Reunions

Oh me oh my! Been back in the U.S. for more than two weeks already, and I am having a hard time believing that my flight to Germany is actually tomorrow! wow. It was wonderful having such an extended trip, because I have been able to see just about everything and everyone who is important to me. I loved being home: Annie had her prom and then her 17th birthday; Zach was home for the weekend with his homebrew (not that I actually got to try any!); the two new kittens [Zinc & Moo] were a bundle of fun; and mom and dad were great as always. Princeton is always a blast, especially when 30,000 alums gather for a weekend of catching up and celebrating in Jersey. There have been so many great bands at the different tents, but my favorite part has been not knowing who will be standing there when I turn around. I've bumped into so many of the people that made my time here a treasure. It just makes me appreciate the whole big Princetonia package all the more. The campus is beautiful, the people are simply amazing, and the memories and traditions are one of a kind. Coming back felt like slipping into your favorite pair of old jeans and a comfy was just right. In an hour, we will all be engulfed by the P-Rade. Where else can all of the living alums walk through a street of cheering tigers? Where else is it socially accepted to be wearing a bright orange and black blazer AND matching pants? And this is only the beginning...

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

The Taylors

On Monday I woke up to a message from Mr Allen Taylor saying that he and his parents were going to be stopping by Bamberg on their way to Munich. Yay! Despite never having met his parents before, I agreed to play tour guide/all-knowing beer buddy for the afternoon. The weather was a bit confused, as it kept going between warm & sunny and cold & rainy, but we still had a grand time. We walked from the train station down to the water through the main pedestrian and market area. Then we wandered up to the cathedral, which was closed for an event, and the rose garden, which still had the great view that it always does. Then we stopped for some Rauchbier and a snack of bread and sausages. Apparently, Allen's mom likes beer almost as much as I do, so we got on fabulously. Our last stop on the way back to the train station was Maisel's brewery, but on the way I saw something I've never seen. A McDonald's delivery. It took up the entire sidewalk and there were cases and cases of frozen french fries, chicken and buns. It was ridiculous! So of course I took a picture of Allen in the midst of a tower of rolls just to commemorate the moment. Classic. It was a real fun afternoon.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Late on a Tuesday Night! weee!


can't wait. let me know who's around.