Monday, December 11, 2006

In Iowa, you can hear the corn grow...

Because Jeanne and I shouldn't ever go more than a short period of time without catching up, I spent the weekend in Iowa. Yes indeed. Iowa in December can be pretty cold. It can also be a very good time if you've got the right guide! Jeanne picked me up in Cedar Rapids and brought me back to her house in Solon, which is seriously in the middle of nowhere (and that's actually a really nice thing!). After J had opened her bday presents, we decided to make gingerbread cookies with her 'special' new cookie cutters....they all were missing an arm, leg or head!

Awhile before my trip, we'd decided that we'd spend Friday night in Iowa City near the Uni to celebrate her big birthday. We had dinner in town, relaxed for a bit in our hotel room at the Memorial Union, and then checked out one of J's favorite bars, the Piano Bar. It was a late night, but full of adventure!
Over the rest of the weekend, we ate one of the older diners for breakfast, enjoyed some of her dad's fresh venison, watched movies and caught up. We even saw a piece at the local theater, which was all this man's memories of Christmases past. Too bad I couldn't stay longer!


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