Sunday, July 30, 2006

Another Yalie Weekend

By pure luck, last weekend was Caroline's grand ol' 24th birthday AND I had no commitments in other cities, states or countries! As soon as we wrapped up QUEST and picked up everything on Friday, I drove away -- just as a huge HUGE huge thunderstorm started. Oh well! At least I was in the car seconds before it began pouring buckets. The weekend was a success as always, full of fun and excitement. Friday night was pre-arrival of most everyone else, so I had Miss C all to myself for storytelling and catching up. On Saturday we filled the day with all sorts of girly wonder and adventure. That night Caroline had a big group over for a variety of cakes and drinks. I'm really enjoying getting to know the people that she hangs out with at Yale, especially since it makes the hearing her stories all the more interesting! We closed out the night with dancing out at a bar downtown, followed by lots of sleep upon our return home.


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