Saturday, April 08, 2006


Spent this afternoon and tonight in NYC, since a cousin was visiting from Madison. I got in a bit early and was able to catch up with several friends from Princeton, although due to a poorly written text from me, I wasn't able to meet up with another friend later on :( BUT I did get to spend a few hours hanging out at the official "Badger" bar in the city, watching the NCAA men's hockey championships. Great times were had by all...especially since WI won. I may be a bit saddened by Boston's defeat, but really, WI just has so much more spirit! Unfortunately I had to take a rather early train back to Princeton, since I needed to move my car before it got too late (silly Pton parking regulations). Bugger. So now I'm home, and everyone else seems to be out. Logic dictates that I should sleep, especially since I got up early this morning. Oh well. In other news, I had a great talk with my dad about Georgetown on the ride back, and I am getting more and more excited. It's going to be great!


At 6:49 PM, Blogger Meg said...

Wisco hockey rocks!! And so does MLE!! ~megs :)


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