Sunday, October 02, 2005

now I'm here

It's been an interested few weeks getting settled back into life in Princeton. Then again, I don't think I've actually readjusted to being here. I was thinking back to moving into Bamberg and how exciting and new everything was. That has no part of my move back to NJ. It's a unbalancing juxtaposition of the old and comfortable and the new and challenging. Most of the time I just so busy with lesson planning and everything for teacher prep that I don't really have much time to examine where I am and where I am going. A bit scary since I'll be taking the GRE oh so shortly. I like what I am doing over at the Central High School, but it is challenging everything about me, from why I am interested in teaching to where I draw my support from. There are times when I long to be back in Bamberg and other when Boston really feels like my home. Yet here I am in Princeton, facing it with an inquisitive mind and not at all sure where I am headed. I guess that is just where I am meant to be right now. Everything seems so unsettled right now, but maybe this is still a part of my latest transition.


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