Monday, January 24, 2005

Hausgemachter Ribiselschnaps

While today was totally different weather (lots of clouds and snow...meaning that our scarves and goggles were covered in ice after about an hour outside), it was still quite awesome. I can't really explain just what makes it different than all the times at home, but I cannot remember when I was able to ski for two full days and not really feel all that sore or tired. On top of that, the group that I am helping out with is wonderful. There are twelve 7th graders and then one teacher and me. Yay! We were up about 2500 meters today, and the ride down from there was super...once you figured out the minute differences in color between snow, ice and fog. After dinner, the woman that owns the house where we are staying invited the teachers plus me to have some Hausgemachter Ribiselschnaps - Homemade Currant Schnapps. Three shots later the teachers were ready to head back to our 'Villa' and teach the kids about avalanches. Gotta love it!


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